It Came From The Desert (desert.rtf)

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Comments (30) [Post comment]

Martijn Frazer:

Will do!

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Mr Creosote:

The DOS port was Level 9's last attempt to stay afloat, making it quite an interesting historical artefact as well. If you cover it, be sure to invite me, I'll talk for three hours straight ;)

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Martijn Frazer:

I think we should check out the original with @dosgameclub one day

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Mr Creosote:

It's not blockbuster level, but then, what is from those times (save for Mario)? I post something not particularly profound about It Came From the Desert, whoosh, a dozen responses. At least within certain circles, this game still inspires. I guess some day, I'll (seriously) play the second one and watch that movie...

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Space Quest Historian:

They are some of Josh Mandel's finest work.

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Sonny Bonds:

It's produced by a Finnish team I think. The rights are currently owned by Starbreeze which isn't Finnish but I have a vague memory there was some connection there. I just feel like someone really wanted to do something with that specifically for personal reasons. It's not like it's a blockbuster IP. :D

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Sonny Bonds:

SQ4 bargain bin games getting a lot of mileage lately

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Michael Klamerus:

I’ve seen it and not a huge surprise but it’s bad. The goofy thing is that it basically has nothing to do with the property other than having giant ants so like, why use the IP? It’s not exactly a really famous game

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Mr Creosote:

it was on TV here a some time ago. I recorded it, but haven't had the courage to actually watch it. So it is just sitting here on my hard drive.

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Sonny Bonds:

Strangely enough there also was a movie made a few years back:

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Mr Creosote:

Yes, the whole publication strategy is weird. You need the original game to build bootable disks, so it's not standalone. Yet, they put a 2 in the title.

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That cover is super confusing to me. I thought it was like a data disk expansion for It Came From The Desert 2 but no, it's an expansion for It Came From the Desert 1.

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Nope! It took a long time! I once was scarfing down a bowl of cereal and looked down to see it was full of ants. Really gross!

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Jake Beamer:

absolutely. :D

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it's on my list to play, for sure! As a kid ants were the most terrifying thing.

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Pixel Prophecy :

Looks like something that would come from the desert

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Michael Klamerus:

I haven't. The Steam reviews seem okay-ish

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Mr Creosote:

Have you played it? Screenshots don't look so attractive, unfortunately.Link for those not liking Steam:

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Michael Klamerus:

someone also made a spiritual sequel early this year

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Mr Creosote:

I think Cinemaware didn't last long enough anymore to port it anywhere. Which maybe is a good reason for this one to be so obscure.

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Martijn Frazer:

oh wait, it's Amiga only. This explains a lot.

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Martijn Frazer:

I love the original but I didn't even know there was a sequel

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yeah, i expected a better ending to the game though. Either way though, it's a great game, even by today's standards.

This game is great! I remember when it was released, I was stuck playing this game for Months! It has such a great story and style that I still play it for days...

This game is on my list of greatest games ever!

They should remake the game for newer computers so that everyone could enjoy this classic...



Yehhh i loved to play this on....
Never ended it though. I just couldn't survive in the antnest.
Wasn't there also a part to of this game?

