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Posted at 07:50 on June 28th, 2003 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Prof Gumby
Posts: 488
I purchased a game like 4 or 5 years ago in a rebate bin, named "Stratosphere". That game, made by Kodiac Interactive and Ripcord Games never worked on my computer. I tryied several times in all the ways possible I could think of, but the problem is always the same: I get a blank screen as soon as I try to play the game and the computer freeze. I knows since the numlock led on my keyboard doesn't open and close anymore when I hit the num lock button.

That game is supposedly a Windows 95 game, and I am trying to run it on Win 98 revised b french version.

Anyone have any clue of what is going on or had any luck playing that game?
I am on a hot streak... Litterally.
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