Veil of Darkness
für PC (DOS)

Firma: Event Horizon / SSI
Jahr: 1993
Genre: Rollenspiel, Adventure
Thema: Sonstige Fantasy / Horror
Sprache: English, Castellano, Francais
Lizenz: Kommerziell
Aufrufe: 154818
Rezension von Wandrell (31.03.2007)

This review is part of The Review Roundup - Round 2: Games Related to the Undead

A sudden cloud of bats splashing in your airplane forces you to land in a lost, dark and small valley. A place ruled by a vampire, and where, ignoring it, you have started to fulfil a prophecy of freedom.

As expected, it tells in an ambiguous way what you should do. But if you can make sense of the thing it's a great help. Basically, each line or pair of them is a quest, they do not have to be solved in order, but for the last part, the death of the vampire, you will need to accomplish all the previous ones.

While the game is an adventure, fights have their importance. Few places are free of skeletons, zombies, vampire women or other undead creatures. But beating them isn't much fun, just get near them, press the icon of your equipped weapon, wait for the delay to finish and press again until your character or the enemy dies or you flee. Luckily at the beginning you can choose the complexity of those combats, which I assume is how hard or easy killing the monsters will be.

The thing could work without them, and it is noted in the many objects related to fighting that will serve mainly for encumbering your character. Potions to increase strength, plants to cure poison, disease or weakness, holy water to easily kill vampires or potions and crystals for healing, which aren't that great when you can easily escape and visit the gypsy healer, they are, except for some plants, in greater quantities than those you need.

What is good of the game is the plot, the valley filled with dangers and cursed where everybody is scared, many hide dark secrets and things work according to legends. Werewolves are forced to transform when accused of being so; cursed spirits are bound to important objects of their life and there are plants that mark murderers.

And so, much of what you do is talking, this is the way you will get the important clues and information, which not few times should be typed in a box prepared for that, and then with it you will act, have some not very entertaining exploration in labyrinths of caves and bushes, and solve the puzzles.

Archivierte Rezension(en) ↓

Rezension von danigancho (03.07.2015)

We got this game in 1993. I was 12 years old by then, and me and my brothers became instantly and automatically addicted. We got the Spanish version (I'm from Barcelona).

From the very beginning, my younger brother was scared to the bone by just watching the game cover. We installed the game and watched this awesome introduction, where you understand where your character exactly is and what happened to him to arrive there.

After a plane crash (due to the interference of the evil), the main character miraculously survived and recover thanks to the attention of a young and beautiful lady, but soon, things start to seem wrong. Stuck on a remote Transilvanian village, where no one ever seen an airplane (they call it „the monster“), the character find out that he is on a haunted town ruled by evil forces of a dark soul. A lot of people disappeared and were found dead under strange circumstances lately, so your mission is to help them. They believe you are the one who will set them free. Each character have its own attitude and behavior, and each one have a story on his back, something that want to hide on this village of shadows.

The game is basically one those good graphic adventure video games that we all played and loved. You will have to investigate each room, down the beds and inside the wardrobes, to find the missing object that will let you open the mysterious door, or to convince someone to give you a car ride to some other place where your adventure will continue. You'll have to talk to each character, paying attention to every little detail of the conversation because, sometimes, you are stuck and have no idea about how to advance, and the clue is just in front of your eyes. It happened to us more than one time with this game, but asking the right word to the right person, or pushing on the right place can make you succeed!!

The atmosphere of Veil Of Darkness is just awesome, and the music helps a lot to keep this creepy feeling all the time. Nice graphics, weapons, items and, on the top, a really interesting history that will keep you as amazed as we where during 1993.

Rezension von ror.schach (14.02.2012)

Ich erinnere mich, dieses Spiel vor einer langen Zeit bei einem Freund gesehen zu haben – und ich war ziemlich neidisch. Das Spiel ist exzellent in Gameplay, Einstellungen, Atmosphäre, Grafik und Suchtfaktor… genau, Veil of Darkness punktet in allen Kategorien!

Ihr spielt einen Piloten, der tief in den Transsylvanischen Bergen die ungewollte Aufmerksamkeit eines Vampirs auf sich gezogen hat. Dank seiner kleinen Fledermäuse ist es ihm möglich, euer Flugzeug in ein nebelumwobenes Tal stürzen zu lassen. Als ihr langsam euer Bewusstsein wiedererlangt, findet ihr euch in einer Stadt wieder, die schon von der Zeit vergessen wurde. Es scheint, als habe die Zeit die letzten hundert Jahre stillgestanden. Folkore und Mythen machen noch einen Großteil des Lebens aus - nicht nur im Reden und Denken. Werwölfe, Vampire… sie sind alle zu wirklich und jagen euch bald.

Veil of Darkness hat große Ähnlichkeiten mit Ecstatica. Beide haben eine mystisch-grausige Atmosphäre und ihr müsst einen langen Weg zurücklegen, um zum bösen Herren zu gelangen.

Wie ich schon bemerkt habe, ist dieses Spiel in fast jeder Hinsicht perfekt. Eigentlich kann man nur die Intro-Musik negativ erwähnen, da sie sehr monoton werden kann. Dafür ist die restliche Musik einfach fabelhaft!

Die Steuerung ist ein wenig gewöhnungsbedürftig – nicht verzweifeln: Ihr bewegt euch per Pfeiltasten, Numpad oder Maus. Angriffe werden durchgeführt, indem ihr auf eine der zwei Hände am unteren Bildrand klickt. Das gilt auch für die Benutzung von Gegenständen wie der Brechstange.

Besonders zu erwähnen ist, das während der Dialoge Schlüsselworte auch eingetippt werden können. Daraus resultierend sind einige Gesprächsstränge und damit Rätsellösungen nur zu finden, wenn man die richtigen Worte eingibt. Diese sind aber alle nachvollziebar in den Dialogen mit anderen NPCs verborgen.

Alles in Allem ein großartiges Spiel für lange, dunkle Winternächte. Wenn ihr Ecstatica genossen habt, wird euch auch Veil of Darkness gefallen. Zwei Daumen hoch!

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