Attic of the Underdogs


» Real Dog! «
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Review by Sakura:
Okay, first off, I must prepare myself with the consoling fact that Cyberswine is not a bad movie. Instead, it is a rather bad game.

The reason I say that is this: Cyberswine is a movie-game, a visual "Choose Your Own Adventure" I could say. It is also a complete and utter waste of time, undeserving of your attention, and unfortunately undeserving of mine. I've 'played' it many times, and each time, I've gotten the same result: Cyberswine dies, plunging the world into chaos.

Now, I know that doesn't too bad, but really - one of the points of Choose Your Own Adventure books is reading them again, and getting a different result. In Cyberswine, I've tried again and again only to get the same result as the last 'game.'

The gameplay is dull.. no, *DULL*, mundane, and every other similar word. Basically, you get yes or no choices through the 'adventure' (these can be skipped though) and these are sometimes after the yes/no thing has popped up, meaning you have a split-second to decide, sometimes more, sometimes less. Bad, I say, bad.

The plot is needlessly cliched, to the point of deja vu. You control the actions of Cyberswine, a cybernetic pig who is on a quest to save CyberCity from a deadly virus. The only interesting thing about the plot is the character 'Draino', who is remarkably interesting compared to the rest of the cliches (though he is remarkably similar to Phong from Reboot. But since that's about as obscure as these get, Draino gets the most credit).

The graphics are good. Probably the game's only redeeming value is the eye candy. everything looks as it should, and the graphics were totally remarkable at the time, although they are merely decent by today's standards.

So overall, I give it a 2/10. Totally a waste of time, though I would recommend the developer freeware CYOA movies made after this disaster.

Average Rating:4.57 [19 votes]
Developer:Brilliant Digital Entertainment
Publisher:Brilliant Digital Entertainment
Software Copyright:Brilliant Digital Entertainment
Theme:Science Fiction
Related Links:Games Domain review
More Info:Mobygames | The Web
System Requirements:Windows 95/98
If you like this game, try:Beyond The Wall of Stars, Madness of Roland, Sinkha
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