Shadow Caster (Shadow_Caster_Install_Guide.7z)

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Comments (4) [Post comment]


I expexted a roleplaying game when I bought it that days. And I hated it. But I played it later again without those expectations and was quite happy that I bought it.
Because when you see it as an action game, it is realy good.

Mr Creosote:

The game never got you or didn't you get the game? ;)

Seriously, though: Your observation is correct, of course. This isn't much of a roleplaying game. Yet it is a nice Black Crypt sequel and I like the Anti Avatar / shapeshifting idea. In the end, it all depends on your expectations with which you try to get into the game.

Shadowcaster never got me. It may be from Origin, but I find it to be some kind of labyrinthical action game.
