Death Knights of Krynn (Regelbuch.pdf)

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Mr Creosote:

Although at the time, I found the frequent re-use of the aging engine (which, we have to remind ourselves, originated on the C64 still) tiring, I nowadays can't help but appreciate the development model mirroring that of pen and paper RPGs. After all, that market is almost entirely made of new stories/adventures being published on the same, well-known baseline. This demand to innovate, redo the engine, rules etc. is really an invention of the computer games world.

As such, there are obviously better and not so great campaigns. The stable technology at least helps us focus on comparing these games by their content-related merits, such as plot, characters, balancing etc.


Following up the rather well executed Champions of Krynn, the first gold box series game set in the Dragonlance setting, SSI brought us Death Knights of Krynn rather shortly after.


