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Posted at 16:24 on July 28th, 2009 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Reborn Gumby
Posts: 11336
Forum and main part of the site are written in PHP. The comics section is written in Perl.
Now you see the violence inherent in the system!
Posted at 08:21 on July 28th, 2009 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Master Gumby
Posts: 82
What are the frontends programmed in? PHP?
Posted at 12:51 on July 27th, 2009 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Reborn Gumby
Posts: 11336
In that case it depends what you mean by 'update'. For any regular edit or addition, I'm using the same browser-based frontends which are available to every visitor (i.e. you can see them yourself) - which I programmed using a text editor (what else?). If I want to change functionality or logic, I change the backend code again.

Cipherswipe: Ok, let me rephrase that: I don't think connectivity should be an editor feature ;)
Now you see the violence inherent in the system!
Edited by Mr Creosote at 12:51 on July 27th, 2009
Posted at 00:11 on July 27th, 2009 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Retired Gumby
Posts: 740
Actually, ftp access is becoming somewhat common in text editors. Some have a built-in ftp function, there's even at least one which is specifically designed to edit files remotely (ie, loading & saving files directly from/to ftp, without saving/using a local copy).
At the end of the day, you're left with a bent fork & a pissed off rhino.
Posted at 22:10 on July 26th, 2009 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Master Gumby
Posts: 82
Er... I meant to type UPDATE, not upload.
Edited by Gargantuan Orangutan at 22:11 on July 26th, 2009
Posted at 20:50 on July 26th, 2009 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Reborn Gumby
Posts: 11336
To upload, I use an SSH client, obviously. I don't think connectivity is an editor feature...
Now you see the violence inherent in the system!
Edited by Mr Creosote at 21:09 on July 26th, 2009
Posted at 20:09 on July 26th, 2009 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Master Gumby
Posts: 82
Originally posted by Mr Creosote at 20:58 on July 19th, 2009:
Sorry, I don't think I'm competent to answer this question. The last time I tried one was more than ten years ago, so I doubt I could do any of them justice ;)

Wait a minute. You mean to say, that you upload your site solely with a text editor?
Posted at 13:36 on July 21st, 2009 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Master Gumby
Posts: 82
Nifty. Thanks.
Posted at 00:02 on July 21st, 2009 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Retired Gumby
Posts: 740
If you want to try increase the color difference, you could add these lines:

a:hover {background:black !important;color:white !important;}
a:active {background:white !important;color:black !important;}

...Those will make links turn black with white text when you hover over them & then white with black text while you're clicking them. (You could also use red, orange, blue, etc if you prefer.)
At the end of the day, you're left with a bent fork & a pissed off rhino.
Posted at 18:16 on July 20th, 2009 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Master Gumby
Posts: 82
That's better. Thanks.

Well, nothing happens when I click on the download link... but that might be some other problem.


Nevermind. Just hard to tell when something is selected or not due to the slight color change.

Edited by Gargantuan Orangutan at 18:20 on July 20th, 2009
Posted at 14:01 on July 20th, 2009 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Retired Gumby
Posts: 740
GO- Try this:

@-moz-document url-prefix( {
div {overflow:auto !important; background:#ddd !important;}
#gamesmenu, #gamesmenu-shadow {height:120px !important;}
#subpages-shadow {top:124px !important; height:80px !important;}
#main {top:230px !important;}

(Again, play around with the specific numbers until it looks good for you, all I can do from this end is take an educated guess.)
At the end of the day, you're left with a bent fork & a pissed off rhino.
Posted at 07:20 on July 20th, 2009 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Reborn Gumby
Posts: 11336
Originally posted by Gargantuan Orangutan at 23:04 on July 19th, 2009:
what's your favorite color?

Blue. No, red! Aaaaaaaaaargh!
Now you see the violence inherent in the system!
Posted at 04:23 on July 20th, 2009 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Master Gumby
Posts: 82
Found a glitch with that style change. I can't click on the Download link. You know, for the longest time I had assumed Mr Creosote didn't have any download option for games, because I could never see them.
Edited by Gargantuan Orangutan at 04:24 on July 20th, 2009
Posted at 23:04 on July 19th, 2009 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Master Gumby
Posts: 82
Alright. Well... what's your favorite color?
Posted at 20:58 on July 19th, 2009 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Reborn Gumby
Posts: 11336
Sorry, I don't think I'm competent to answer this question. The last time I tried one was more than ten years ago, so I doubt I could do any of them justice ;)
Now you see the violence inherent in the system!
Posted at 20:50 on July 19th, 2009 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Master Gumby
Posts: 82
That may be, but I can't say I've had this specific problem with other abandonware sites.

So if you were to use a web editor, which would you choose?
Posted at 19:54 on July 19th, 2009 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Reborn Gumby
Posts: 11336
Originally posted by Cypherswipe at 19:46 on July 19th, 2009:
Of course, those editors always create a great deal of useless bloat, and most of them useoutdated and/or crappy /hackish code.

Exactly, which is why they're not an option. As I said at the beginning of the thread, using fixed size menus on TGOD was a conscious choice. I'm very well aware of how it works differently and on pretty much all other sites I'm responsible for, I'm using relative sizes only. I already pointed out the reasons for not doing so here.

Zooming the site works. Overriding styles works. Turning off styles works. Sites which are built using any such 'editors' usually don't allow for any of that to work properly. So in the end, TGOD is already way more flexible.
Now you see the violence inherent in the system!
Posted at 19:46 on July 19th, 2009 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Retired Gumby
Posts: 740
Those progs are generally known as WYSIWYG editors (What You See Is What You Get).
A frontend can never be more capable than applying the same settings by hand.

I believe what he meant was that such progs usually include things and/or use a different method, which results in the pages being more scalable. Someone using a text editor COULD apply all those same techniques, but usually don't.
Of course, those editors always create a great deal of useless bloat, and most of them useoutdated and/or crappy /hackish code.
At the end of the day, you're left with a bent fork & a pissed off rhino.
Posted at 19:46 on July 19th, 2009 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Master Gumby
Posts: 82
Originally posted by Mr Creosote at 19:34 on July 19th, 2009:

Bullshit. Those programs are just frontends. A frontend can never be more capable than applying the same settings by hand.

It can if you don't know what you're doing. :D
Posted at 19:34 on July 19th, 2009 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Reborn Gumby
Posts: 11336
Originally posted by Gargantuan Orangutan at 18:50 on July 19th, 2009:
You're not seriously suggesting anything which existed before the WWW looked any different? Or are you just throwing in random statements to look cool?

Before the WWW average font size was like 20pt or so. ANSI BBS systems, when done well, often looked better than most drab sites of today.

...and (for the tenth time or so), this is exactly how TGOD looks if you turn off CSS.

Originally posted by Gargantuan Orangutan at 18:50 on July 19th, 2009:
A web editor is like Dreamweaver, Netscape Composer, etc. What do you call them? In any case - I see your problem. Since you type in everything your code will tend to be less dynamic and flexible.

Bullshit. Those programs are just frontends. A frontend can never be more capable than applying the same settings by hand.

Originally posted by Gargantuan Orangutan at 18:50 on July 19th, 2009:
As for the menus showing up, this is controlled by :hover pseudo classes. If that's inconvenient for you, you can also just make them always visible while retaining the horizontal positioning. Everything is possible.

Yes, but I don't think you should expect the end user to do all this.

I'm not. I have already named a couple of easy ways to work around your problem. In addition, I pointed out that due to me following good design practices, you're able to do whatever you want with the site. Which, by the way, won't be the case on most sites.

Originally posted by Gargantuan Orangutan at 18:50 on July 19th, 2009:
p.s. I really don't understand how your quote tags work, with names.

Just click on 'Quote' on the post you want to quote. In topic view, this will send you to the reply form with the post being contained in the textrea. If you want to quote more posts, just click 'Quote' in this view and the appropriate post will be inserted, too.
Now you see the violence inherent in the system!
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