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Posted at 19:28 on June 30th, 2003 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Pupil Gumby
Posts: 15
Some of those questions were tough because I liked most/all of the answers.

By dictator standards, you're not that bad. Sure you almost started world war 3, but the treatment of your people is moderate. You're a saint compared to the guy before you that you kicked out, so your people tolerate you. However, you're ability to stand up to America has made you one of the more popular dictators. Hardly a movie star? but hay, it's a start!

Edited by mathmo at 03:30 on June, 30th 2003
Posted at 05:43 on May 17th, 2003 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Dr Gumby
Posts: 202
Just as I suspected! (My ex used to call me Hitler Reincarnate when I pissed her off, LOL)

Atheism is a Non-Prophet Organisation
Posted at 20:09 on April 25th, 2003 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Prof Gumby
Posts: 421
Posted by Da_Goat at 03:44 on April, 26th 2003:

Agh, I just realized the pinkishness of Saddam in that picture. He should get outside more.

Saddam probably has't been outside for years, I hear his doubles have nice tans though :P
Not all That Glitters Is Gold, Not All Those Who Wander Are Lost.
Posted at 18:44 on April 25th, 2003 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Dr Gumby
Posts: 268
Agh, I just realized the pinkishness of Saddam in that picture. He should get outside more.
Mock ugly people. Praise ugly goats.
Posted at 13:53 on April 25th, 2003 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Reborn Gumby
Posts: 11146
Posted by NetDanzr at 20:12 on April, 25th 2003:

Now come on, Mr Creosote. You know that I take great pleasure in torturing people personally, and Stalin didn't do that :P
How would you know what Stalin did in his spare time? :P
Now you see the violence inherent in the system!
Posted at 12:43 on April 25th, 2003 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Dr Gumby
Posts: 268
You managed to piss off western countries by killing innocent people to get you're hands on oil fields that don't belong to you! That's THEIR job, so a task force was sent to kick you up the backside. They succeeded, but you managed to make them look stupid when it was reviled that the American armed forces had somehow shot down four times as many missiles then you actually owned, and the UK was selling you guns and weapon parts while at war to use against them! So "daddy's little boy" is after you now. Considering what happened the last time, I bet you're SO scared!

I feel weird now....

Edited by Da_Goat at 21:44 on April, 25th 2003
Mock ugly people. Praise ugly goats.
Posted at 11:12 on April 25th, 2003 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Retired Gumby
Posts: 1007
Now come on, Mr Creosote. You know that I take great pleasure in torturing people personally, and Stalin didn't do that :P
NetDanzr<br />
-The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog-
Posted at 09:30 on April 25th, 2003 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Retired Gumby
Posts: 936

You answer the question: "what if Hitler was black?" A power-mad little shit that will do anything to keep your backside in the presidential seat, that's what! Sadly, no matter how much you persecute your populace, they are getting sick of you! When given the option of starving to death because of the piss poor economy you created or stringing you up by the nearest lamppost, more and more find the later more attractive! Also shave that stupid, little moustache off! It makes you look like an even bigger tit then you are already
Keep your stick on the ice
Posted at 08:25 on April 25th, 2003 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Reborn Gumby
Posts: 11146
Tapuak & Mole: Sure it is easy to get the result you want, but the question is what personality really suits you, not what you want to be ;)

NetDanzr: How fitting - not only the same name, but also the same personality :P
Now you see the violence inherent in the system!
Posted at 08:22 on April 25th, 2003 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Retired Gumby
Posts: 1007
Well done comrade! You're one of the big boys! When you're not holding speeches about how everyone is equal in the communist society, you're busy living the high-life while millions starve, freeze or get worked to death! You zany person you!
NetDanzr<br />
-The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog-
Posted at 08:09 on April 25th, 2003 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Prof Gumby
Posts: 607
This test is just too easy. ?
As Tapuak said you can easily get any result you want so because none of the answers really appealed to me, I went for this one:


By dictator standards, you're not that bad. Sure you almost started world war 3, but the treatment of your people is moderate. You're a saint compared to the guy before you that you kicked out, so your people tolerate you. However, you're ability to stand up to America has made you one of the more popular dictators. Hardly a movie star? but hay, it's a start!

Edited by The Mole at 17:10 on April, 25th 2003
"One Very Important Thought"
Posted at 07:39 on April 25th, 2003 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Retired Gumby
Posts: 964
I admit, I did this intentionally. The answers were just too obvious... ;)


"Wait, I'm not a dictator!" you cry! Well lets look at the check list: Unelected? Check! Use wars and xenophobia to boost popularity? Check! Total control of the media so they never say a bad word against you? Check! Kill scores of innocent people to get what you want? Check! Do anything to get your hands on oil? Check! Inhumane treatment of prisoners? Check! Face it, you're a dictator, and no amount of gloss will hide that fact? or the fact you're a borderline retard who looks like a monkey!

Edited by Tapuak at 16:40 on April, 25th 2003
Posted at 07:29 on April 25th, 2003 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Reborn Gumby
Posts: 11146
As dictators go, you're kind of pathetic! Instead of military coup or systematic persecution to get power, you just happen to be the head of the only party in the UK that isn't totally worthless! While not very impressive it is none the less effective! You can do whatever the hell you like without any chance of getting voted out of office! People know that the only alternative would have them eating their children if they ever got back into power! However, you still think that you are as loved as you were when you were first elected into power? News flash for you: You're not!
Now you see the violence inherent in the system!
Posted at 07:06 on April 25th, 2003 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Prof Gumby
Posts: 560
You are one of the more creative of the dictators. When not writing poetry you're devising your own version of communism. As over two million Chinese staved to death because of your little experiment you should have stuck to writing sappy songs!
"In theory, if people bred as fast as ants, and with an equal indifference for it's surrounding species, earth would have 5 million human inhabitants at the turn of the century. But this, of course, is highly unthinkable"
Posted at 01:52 on April 25th, 2003 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Prof Gumby
Posts: 421


Congratulations! You are the most evil man of all time! Not only did you exterminate millions of Jews and involved the world in the biggest war the world has ever seen, you also convinced the Germans that the perfect human is a tall blue eyed blond when you're a short, dark Austrian yourself! Well done you spiteful little shit!
Not all That Glitters Is Gold, Not All Those Who Wander Are Lost.
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