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Posted at 19:00 on January 27th, 2017 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Reborn Gumby
Posts: 11336
Having entered a couple of hundred such links in the last weeks, I don't want to amend all those now.
Now you see the violence inherent in the system!
Posted at 09:27 on January 27th, 2017 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Zombie Gumby
Posts: 3879
It struck me just now that descriptions for existing game entries should not be completely replaced with screenshots but rather pop up on mouseover. I mean, why keep old descriptions if you can't even see them? We should rather make good use of them. However, if we are to implement this then descriptions will become mandatory regardless, which i would personally support. What do you think?
Cheer up! Remember the less you have, the more there is to get.
Edited by Vagabond at 09:29 on January 27th, 2017
Posted at 10:17 on December 2nd, 2016 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Reborn Gumby
Posts: 11336
Agreed, it should just flow and use whatever space is available.
Now you see the violence inherent in the system!
Posted at 21:20 on December 1st, 2016 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Zombie Gumby
Posts: 3879
If a game is not on the site, it should have a short textual description (one sentence), which will disappear once the pointer can be resolved.

Good idea. I noticed the games which are present still have descriptions stored in the database. Would there be any further use for those? Just wondering.

Any additional considerations?

Suggestion: how about making 3 vertical rows of pads instead of just 2? I think it would look much better taking all the empty horizontal space and also sparing the vertical one somewhat.
Cheer up! Remember the less you have, the more there is to get.
Posted at 20:32 on November 30th, 2016 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Reborn Gumby
Posts: 11336
So, considerng that there are no realistic alternatives as far as I can see, this is what we'll go with:

  • Similar games will just be titles by default.
  • If a game is not on the site, it should have a short textual description (one sentence), which will disappear once the pointer can be resolved. (Example)
  • Old pros and cons already written will be archived, i.e. also not displayed in their old place anymore.
  • Automatic suggestions will be displayed on the form to enter similarity entries as guidance, but with a warning that "blind" picking may not work out.

I still need to program the last part. So give me some time.

Starting now, submissions will be accepted with similarity picks without pros and cons.

For the "how", I would like to keep the titles inside the boxes, as I really like the effect. Any additional considerations?
Now you see the violence inherent in the system!
Edited by Mr Creosote at 20:42 on November 30th, 2016
Posted at 07:23 on November 24th, 2016 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Reborn Gumby
Posts: 11336
Kein Problem, vielen Dank für deine Sicht!

Short summary: having multiple similar games listed is more important than the guidance provided by pros and cons. Reviewers should be better supported by receiving automatic suggestions which could then be accepted with a mouse click.
Now you see the violence inherent in the system!
Edited by Mr Creosote at 07:24 on November 24th, 2016
Posted at 05:05 on November 24th, 2016 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Retired Gumby
Posts: 880
Eine möglichst breite Auswahl an vergleichbaren Spiele ist wichtiger,
als eine direkte Orientierungshilfe mit den "+", "-" und "=" Attributen
anzubieten. Eine reichhaltige Auswahl bringt dem Leser meiner Meinung
nach mehr, als eine "verstümmelte" Beurteilung über ein paar kurze
Damit nicht so viele "dead Ends" entstehen, sollte man es darüber hinaus
dem Ersteller der Rezension auch einfach machen. Denkbar wären
beispielsweise auf Tags basierende Vorschläge mit aus denen per
Mausklick manuell ausgewählt werden kann.

Sorry for writing in German, but my Englisch is only peripheral.
A programmer is just a tool which converts caffeine into code.
Posted at 17:58 on November 23rd, 2016 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Deceased Gumby
Posts: 1413
A short description for missing games would also help identifying them later on, because at times just the name can be ambiguous (e.g. remakes).
The known is finite, the unknown infinite. - Thomas Henry Huxley
Posted at 18:48 on November 22nd, 2016 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Reborn Gumby
Posts: 11336
Originally posted by Herr M. at 18:10 on November 22nd, 2016:
Originally posted by Moebius at 16:50 on November 20th, 2016:

Just the name and a (at times missing) screenshot is lacking something.

What about curiosity factor?

Hmmm… I am not so sure if only the name of the game makes most people all that curious. The description would not necessarily need to be that long (on the contrary the shorter the better). At least there should be some kind of background graphic even for missing links, so that they do not look that glaringly empty. But I guess those are details, first we have to agree on whether to drop comparisons or not.

Indeed, the "emptiness" is an issue, as illustrated here: /game/id%2C1149/Cohort%3A+Fighting+for+Rome.html. A default placeholder image could be one option. Alternatively, what does everybody think about actually requiring a short description text if the game is not on the site yet (which would then automatically disappear once the game is there)?
Now you see the violence inherent in the system!
Posted at 18:10 on November 22nd, 2016 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Deceased Gumby
Posts: 1413
Originally posted by Moebius at 16:50 on November 20th, 2016:

Just the name and a (at times missing) screenshot is lacking something.

What about curiosity factor?

Hmmm… I am not so sure if only the name of the game makes most people all that curious. The description would not necessarily need to be that long (on the contrary the shorter the better). At least there should be some kind of background graphic even for missing links, so that they do not look that glaringly empty. But I guess those are details, first we have to agree on whether to drop comparisons or not.

I would never "throw it all away" in the sense of deleting the data we already accumulated. I would simply not display it anymore.

I would suggest putting them either in the review archive or open up an exhibition for it. Put I guess it depends on how hard it would be to transfer them there.
The known is finite, the unknown infinite. - Thomas Henry Huxley
Posted at 08:40 on November 22nd, 2016 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Reborn Gumby
Posts: 11336
Heh. Well, I guess there is no choice now. The whole topic actually started based on prototype code I made to perform automatic similarity matching based on the meta tags we have (themes, genres etc.). This works very well for games with a strong definition, but not so great for games with few tags.

I.e. we concluded it still needs to be done manually unless we go back and systematically "reclassify" everything. Which was where I was reluctant, because of the experiences of similar projects where (slightly exaggerated) in the end it was me alone doing about 95%. Second thing is that the guiding goal is really to make the extensive game submission process easier rather than harder (which would be the case with more refined tagging).

This is not to say it's impossible. It's just that this route, although amazing in theory, is undesirable workload-wise (or: perceived to be).
Now you see the violence inherent in the system!
Posted at 18:40 on November 21st, 2016 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Master Gumby
Posts: 84
First one thing. in the current state it seems that every comparison is stored in each game. Otherwise dead ends would not be possible. For me it would be more logical to have an new entry for that or no entry at all but therefor later more.
At first we have the game entry and an comparison entry.
Thats is nearly like the currently existing system. Now something you could do is having a page showing two random games and an visitor must write down what is the difference between two games or what they have common. For example Freddy Barkas is an Adventure and Outlaws an shooter but both have an western setting. Until every comparison is done.
Adding this into our model gives:
GAME(Freddy Barkas).1
COMPARSION(1,2,both are western games, but 1 is adventure and 1 is shooter).3
Now adding for Example adding Wolfenstein 3D to this list
GAME(Freddy Barkas).1
COMPARSION(1,2,both are western games but 1 is adventure and second is shooter).3
COMPARSION(1,3,they have nothing common).5
COMPARSION(2,3,both are shooters but 1 has western setting and 2 has Nazi setting).6
But this gives (n*(n-1)/2) entries. One thing what could be done is to not store entry that have nothing in common, but better seems to be to not having comparison entrys at all. That means not to have no comparison simply move the comparison data into the game data.
Then with the following data:
GAME(Freddy Barkas,western,adventure).1
You could generate the original comparesion entrys. So in short manual comparsion is not needed when game classification is improved but can be used to improve classification.
Posted at 18:11 on November 20th, 2016 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Reborn Gumby
Posts: 11336
Originally posted by Moebius at 16:50 on November 20th, 2016:
I do not like throwing away the effort, but I have to agree that for consistency's sake it might be a better idea to remove them.

I think just in case comparisons should be saved for possible future utilization. So the effort won't be in vain. I suggest we keep them.

I would never "throw it all away" in the sense of deleting the data we already accumulated. I would simply not display it anymore. Like Herr M., I believe displaying some "comparisons" (with full text) and some "similar games" (with no/little text) is not a good idea. We should go one way or the other as far as the visible part of the site is concerned.
Now you see the violence inherent in the system!
Posted at 16:50 on November 20th, 2016 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Zombie Gumby
Posts: 3879
Hi Herr M.! Good to see you again and so great that you decided to take part in this!

The comparisons often tend to be more tongue in cheek, which makes them a lot more charming.

True, i've had my share of fun too ;)

I do not like throwing away the effort, but I have to agree that for consistency's sake it might be a better idea to remove them.

I think just in case comparisons should be saved for possible future utilization. So the effort won't be in vain. I suggest we keep them.

Just the name and a (at times missing) screenshot is lacking something.

What about curiosity factor? Also, don't forget, descriptions much like comparisons can be subjective, inadequate and simply misleading to people whose priorities are manifold... so i'm not sure how useful that can be. Not that i strongly object to it, but it's a remnant of comparisons which, in my opinion, should be relinquished along with comparisons.
Cheer up! Remember the less you have, the more there is to get.
Posted at 14:59 on November 20th, 2016 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Deceased Gumby
Posts: 1413
Personally I am a fan of the comparisons with all their plusses and minusses. I think I added them to each of my reviews and at times even to games I inserted into the database for other people. It is just that I love comparing games or at least weighting them against each other, because for one it gives them context and for two it gives their flaws and strengths a bit of perspective. E.g. It is easy to say Sierra games are the best ever… until you compare them to LucasArts titles and see that while their graphics, scenarios and music are slightly better, LucasArts hit the nail a whole lot better on the head as far as gameplay and humor is concerned. And while you could put those thoughts in the reviews, I guess it is just bad style to directly compare one game against another in a text that should be dedicated to one of them. Plus: The comparisons often tend to be more tongue in cheek, which makes them a lot more charming. ;)

Still, I have to admit, that there is just a small minority which actually makes decent use of them, and yes it does feel like an extra effort, which might not be needed. Browsing through the reviews you get to see a lot of missing comparisons, which gives the feature a kind of broken feeling. I do not like throwing away the effort, but I have to agree that for consistency's sake it might be a better idea to remove them. And maybe a new system might move some reviewers to make use of the similar games section more often. Therefore: Cautious yes on my part.

I know the how is not really the issue right now, but I would suggest putting at least a short description of the game on the links. Just the name and a (at times missing) screenshot is lacking something. Linking missing "similar games" directly to the request page might also be worth a thought.
The known is finite, the unknown infinite. - Thomas Henry Huxley
Posted at 11:58 on November 20th, 2016 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Zombie Gumby
Posts: 3879
I'd say, few people visiting the site really care about forum activity, so i doubt they even saw the post. So yeah, wise decision right there.
Cheer up! Remember the less you have, the more there is to get.
Posted at 15:35 on November 19th, 2016 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Reborn Gumby
Posts: 11336
So, even though we have a slim majority against the change, the absolute number of votes is so low that I tend towards accepting the policy change as apparently, the couple of thousand people who visited since the poll started and did not vote do not care. I.e. they seem to have nothing against it.
Now you see the violence inherent in the system!
Posted at 21:27 on November 8th, 2016 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Reborn Gumby
Posts: 11336
Well, as expected, feedback is rather low. We've had a second visitor voting "no", but without saying why. Which is fair enough, but hard to interpret how important it is to him or her.

The thing is: if we go for "no", i.e. keep things as they are, we currently have no alternative solution (attempts) other than appealing to people to please, please fill this part of the submission out – which hasn't really worked for the last 13 years, either.
Now you see the violence inherent in the system!
Posted at 12:18 on November 3rd, 2016 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Reborn Gumby
Posts: 11336
Originally posted by Moebius at 10:07 on November 3rd, 2016:
In case the verbal description of the plan is too abstract, have a look at the latest game entry.

Is it possible to move the game title completely outside the frame either above or below? I think that would make it look much better.

Originally posted by Mr Creosote at 17:38 on November 1st, 2016:
This is for illustration purposes only.

Please don't make the discussion about styling. I don't want to discuss the "how", but rather the "if"!

And even if you can't remember anything, simply leave it to others, problem solved. Just like comparisons aren't mandatory to fill, you either do it or not.

Ehm, problem not solved. I thought we were discussing how to make filling this out more attractive, rather than accepting the "fate" that half of the game entries are dead ends.
Now you see the violence inherent in the system!
Posted at 10:07 on November 3rd, 2016 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Zombie Gumby
Posts: 3879
In case the verbal description of the plan is too abstract, have a look at the latest game entry.

Is it possible to move the game title completely outside the frame either above or below? I think that would make it look much better.

It does make it easier since you don't have to enumerate the differences but you still have to find or think of what games are similar which requires some effort.

Most of the time you don't have to find anything, you simply recall a handful of similar games, that is, if you have played more than a couple in your life. Of course, i can't account for your experience, but i personally do tend to have at least a few references in mind and i'm sure other people do just as well. And even if you can't remember anything, simply leave it to others, problem solved. Just like comparisons aren't mandatory to fill, you either do it or not.

Another idea would be to have a similar links section and then have a comparisons section with more detail by contributor but that also adds complexity.

As a matter of fact, we did start off by considering this as a third solution, however we ended up having two, because, as you have noted yourself, it makes things much too complex.
Cheer up! Remember the less you have, the more there is to get.
Edited by Vagabond at 10:13 on November 3rd, 2016
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