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» The Spam Club - Life, The Universe and Everything - Comments / Discussion - City of Thieves (1983) - Reply


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Posted at 20:58 on June 24th, 2023 | Quote | Edit | Delete
hahaa that's so awesome. Great to see it here, I miss what I saw of it over on the bird site

Posted on Mastodon
Posted at 20:35 on June 24th, 2023 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Reborn Gumby
Posts: 11336
Island of the Lizard King is next on my list. It was not one of my favorites in the 80s, to be honest. But lets give it a chance. Not sure how long I can keep up going through them in order ;)

Posted on Mastodon
Now you see the violence inherent in the system!
Posted at 18:07 on June 24th, 2023 | Quote | Edit | Delete | Delete Attachment
woww YES I love these books! Recently grabbed this reprint. The art is ALWAYS such - sword and sorcery ftw!

Posted on Mastodon
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Posted at 16:29 on June 24th, 2023 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Reborn Gumby
Posts: 11336
Feel free to share anything about City of Thieves here!
Now you see the violence inherent in the system!
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