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Posted at 19:38 on November 8th, 2013 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Deceased Gumby
Posts: 1413
Since this plot device is optional, most players will never see all those stories which could be considered interesting (considering a very open-minded reader). I think this was a very bad decision from a design point of view. Everything which one could find interesting is not told in an interactive fashion. Instead, you get these things in lengthy text dumps which the player has to call manually. The present just delivers the trigger keywords – it really has absolutely no other function.

It branches here and there, sometimes down, sometimes sideways, but in the end, it could be described just as well as a geometrically straight line. Everything, really everything, is just window dressing for me. Nice window dressing, I would like to stress, but of absolutely no hands-on relevance.

are two very good points. I am one of those people that missed a good part of the game, since I got tired of looking everything up. But it was a somewhat concious decision: Partly because I don't particulary like teen mistery stories (especially those involving ghosts), but also because I did notice that there was a lot to discover and a lot of things to do, yet I had the impression that all of this led nowhere or rather slowed down the story's progression (what little there is). It also seems a little bit strange to calmly look up topic XY after just having seen a 'ghost'. Still, it's interesting to see a game that is so dedicated to fleshing out its setting and to place so many details that have nothing to do with solving the game.
The known is finite, the unknown infinite. - Thomas Henry Huxley
Posted at 17:09 on November 5th, 2013 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Reborn Gumby
Posts: 11182
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